Fix Facebook Removing Number This Content Is No Longer Available Problem

 Fix Facebook Removing Number This Content Is No Longer Available Problem

You might be getting an error on your screen and this error appears when you try to change your number. In this post I will show how you can solve this problem.
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You will get an error saying this content is no longer available a
nd also the content you requested cannot be displayed right now because it may be temporarily unavailable. The link you have clicked on may have expired or you may not have the permission to view this page.

When you try to remove your number you get this type of problem. So, to change or remove your number from Facebook you will have to follow the right steps and if you follow the steps which I will be giving then you can easily remove your number and your problem will be fixed.

First go to mobile settings scroll down then go to applications and permissions. Open apps manager there you will get manage apps or installed apps so search Facebook click on "internal storage" and clear the data. Now restart your device once and update your Facebook from play store and login Facebook again then click on menu bar and go setting and privacy then open personal information.

Now go to contact info and you can remove phone number from there. You will get an option to remove and if you click on that option your number will be removed. Whenever you try to change any number from Facebook you should have Gmail. You will have to add a number first and then only you can remove your number. You cannot login without any login information so you need either your number or Gmail.

So, to remove your number you should have any of these. You can add your Gmail account and if you don't have then create one and remove your number. After removing your number your problem will be solved and when you change the number you will have to give password. Without password you can't change so you should remember your password then only remove your number and after that your problem will be solved.

So, that's why in this way you can easily fix your problem.

I hope this post is helpful, Keep Visiting.

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